Analysis of Fluoride in Kales (Brassicca oleracea) and Tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum) from Nakuru County, Kenya
Fluoride, Kales, Tomatoes, FluorosisAbstract
As vegetables normally form an integral portion of human diet, occurrence of high fluoride in their edible portions can cause significant human exposure to these fluoride residues. The present study was carried out to analyze of fluoride in kales (Brassicca oleracea) and tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum) from Nakuru County, Kenya and compared these levels with the World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization standards. kales and tomatoes were collected from Nakuru County and analyzed using fluoride ion selective electrode. The fluoride concentration in tomatoes from 7 regions was found to vary from 11.66 to 16.70 mg/kg, while in kales it ranged from 5.63 to 17.33 mg/kg. All were above recommended daily allowances (RDA) level of 4 mg/day which poses health hazard to consumers. High F levels were recorded in tomatoes from all the 7 sub-counties of Nakuru County studied. Gilgil had the highest F levels of 16.70 ± 0.46 mg/kg and Nakuru East recorded low levels of 11.66± 0.50 mg/kg in tomatoes from all the 7 sub-counties of Nakuru County. Naivasha had the highest levels of fluoride of 17.33 ± 0.55 mg/kg and Molo recorded lower levels of 5.63 ± 0.38 mg/kg in kales from all the 7 sub counties of Nakuru County. ANOVA results indicated significant difference in fluoride levels in Njoro Naivasha, Molo-Gilgil and Molo-Naivasha in both tomatoes and kales. It’s apparent from the study that tomatoes and kales were contaminated with high levels of fluoride posing high risks to the health of the consumers.
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