Ordinary Hybrid Finite Difference Methods for Solving Burgers’ Equation.


  • A. Koross Mathematics and Computer Science Dept .Moi University, Kenya
  • S.K. Chepkwony Mathematics and Computer Science Dept .Moi University, Kenya
  • O. M. E. Okoya Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Maseno University, Kenya
  • O. Ongati Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Maseno University, Kenya


Burgers’ Equation, Crank-Nicholson; Lax-Friedrichs’; Du Fort and Frankel methods.


Burgers’ equation appears as a model in turbulence and gas dynamics. We construct hybrid finite difference schemes from ordinary finite difference methods for solving this equation. Among the hybrid methods developed are the Crank-Nicholson-Du Fort and Frankel and Crank-Nicholson- Lax-Friendrich’s and Du Fort and Frankel. We determine that the Du Fort  and  Frankel  discretization have an improvement effect on other finite difference schemes whereas the Lax- Friedrich’s method reduces their efficacy. We note that the Du Fort and Frankel method increases  the number of grid points involved by one. The increase of the grid points is responsible for the improved accuracy of the Crank-Nicholson and the Hybrid Crank-Nicholson-Lax-Friedrich’s, methods. The hybrid Crank-Nicholson-Lax-Friedrich’s,-Du Fort and Frankel scheme is the most accurate.


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How to Cite

Koross, A., Chepkwony , S. ., Okoya, O. M. E. ., & Ongati, O. (2012). Ordinary Hybrid Finite Difference Methods for Solving Burgers’ Equation. East African Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2(1), Pg 166–175. Retrieved from http://ojs.uoeld.ac.ke/index.php/eapas/article/view/242