Soil Phosphorous Extraction by Olsen and Double Acid Methods in Acid Soils of Western Kenya


  • K. J. Maghanga Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Chepkoilel University College, P. O. Box 1125 -30100 Eldoret
  • L. J. Kituyi Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Chepkoilel University College, P. O. Box 1125 -30100 Eldoret.
  • K. F. Segor Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Chepkoilel University College, P. O. Box 1125 -30100 Eldoret
  • O. P. Kisinyo Department of Soil Science, Chepkoilel University College, P. O. Box 1125-30100 Eldoret


Olsen, phosphorous, double acid, acid soils, extractant.


Phosphorous is an essential nutrient in plants required for root establishment. In the soil, it is applied as DAP, TSP or phosphate rocks. In acid soils, aluminium and  iron  are  dominant and tend to “fix” phosphorous, making it unavailable for plant uptake. Phosphorous deficiencies are monitored through soil chemical analysis. There are many methods for the extraction of available forms; however, the choice is dependent on several factors among them soil pH. Forty soil samples were collected from three different acid soils in Western Kenya. The samples were air dried, sieved under 2.0 mm sieve and stored in sample bags for subsequent analysis. Phosphorous extraction was carried out using a basic extractant (Olsen bicarbonate method) and acid extractant (double acid method). The extracts were measured colorimetricaly by the ascorbic acid method at 880  nm wavelength. The methods were compared in terms of extracting efficiency, correlations  and soil critical levels. The soils had a pH range of between 4.5 – 6.1; phosphorous, 1.66 – 55.37 mg P/ kg by Olsen method and 3.01 – 158.17 mg P /kg by double acid method. The methods were linearly correlated (r = 0.95), however, double acid extracted more phosphorous than Olsen by a factor of 2.67.


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How to Cite

Maghanga , K. J., Kituyi, L. J., Segor, K. F., & Kisinyo, . O. P. (2012). Soil Phosphorous Extraction by Olsen and Double Acid Methods in Acid Soils of Western Kenya. East African Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2(1), Pg 1–5. Retrieved from