Human Faecal Matter as a Contaminant of Well Water Sources in Kisii Municipality


  • C. J. Nyabayo Chepkoilel University College, P.O Box 1125 - 30100, Eldoret – Kenya
  • D. Liti Chepkoilel University College, P.O Box 1125 - 30100, Eldoret – Kenya


Sanitary practices, Contamination, Faecal coliforms, Sewerage, Pit latrines, Hand dug wells, Disposal


As a result of a rapid growth of urbanization in developing countries, the majority of urban residents in sub-Saharan Africa live often in areas characterized by lack of basic amenities such as water and sewerage disposal facilities. Consequently, the urban population often use pit latrines which are not expensive to construct while at the same time use cheap domestic water source from the nearby hand dug wells. This study sought to assess sanitary practices of urban residents and feacal matter contamination of domestic water sources. A cross- sectional study design was used. The areas studied were; Nyanchwa, Mwembe and Nyamataro estates, targeting people or residential areas of high, middle and low classes. Methods of data collection used in the study were questionnaires, observations, measurements and laboratory water samples testing for faecal coliforms as indicators of faecal contamination. Data analysis was done using multiple regression and Anova. Results revealed significant (P<0.05) faecal coliforms contamination of water in wells with contamination level of 54.9 + 0.6 faecal coliforms colonies/100ml). It was concluded that hand dug well water sources in Kisii municipality was contaminated with human faecal matter due to unsanitary practices near the water source as it was observed in residential areas. The proximity between pit latrines and well water source also had significant influence on faecal coliforms contamination of domestic water sources (P<0.05). Results justified recommendation for public health education on sustainable management of human faecal matter disposal points to keep water borne disease at bay.


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How to Cite

Nyabayo, C. J., & Liti , D. (2012). Human Faecal Matter as a Contaminant of Well Water Sources in Kisii Municipality. East African Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2(1), Pg 61–72. Retrieved from